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Meie tooteportfell

Meie eesmärk on pakkuda innovaatilisi lahendusi ja kaasaegseid tööstusautomaatika tooteid. Täiendame ja uuendame oma tooteportfelli pidevalt, et pakkuda uusimaid ja tõhusaimaid lahendusi.

  • Drives
  • Control
  • Robots
  • Vision
  • Data communication
  • Safety equipment
  • Sensors and encoders
  • Components

Security Components

Components that ensure safety

Security Components - Components that ensure safety
Turvalülitid ja turvalukud

Safety switches and safety locks

IDEC safety switches ensure safety in industry. A wide range of sizes, functions and connection options to suit different applications.

IDEC haardelülitid

Grab switches

IDEC grab switches are Off-On-Off type hand operated switches designed for use in a danger zone such as a robot cell.

IDEC RV1F mehhaanilise siduvusega releed

RF1 Relays with mechanical coupling

Mechanically coupled relays have movable contacts interconnected to ensure synchronous switching position.


Emergency stop buttons and their accessories are available in the product category of buttons and switches. The range includes emergency-stop buttons, labels, yellow button boxes, fuses and other necessary accessories to ensure a quick and safe stop in all emergency situations.

Emergency-stop buttons and their accessories