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Meie tooteportfell
Meie eesmärk on pakkuda innovaatilisi lahendusi ja kaasaegseid tööstusautomaatika tooteid. Täiendame ja uuendame oma tooteportfelli pidevalt, et pakkuda uusimaid ja tõhusaimaid lahendusi.
J.Schneider DC UPS - Uninterruptible DC Power Supply
J.Schneider on-line DC UPSs ensure DC voltage reliability during short and long power outages. The range includes systems based on capacitors (AC-C-TEC) and Pb batteries (AKKUTEC) that eliminate output voltage fluctuations in the event of a power failure. Thanks to the integrated power supply module, no separate power supply is required, simplifying installation and reducing costs. These UPSs are ideal for industrial applications where both system stability and reliability are important.
J.Schneider DC UPS - Uninterruptible DC Power Supply
J.Schneider on-line DC UPSs ensure DC voltage reliability during short and long power outages. The range includes systems based on capacitors (AC-C-TEC) and Pb batteries (AKKUTEC) that eliminate output voltage fluctuations in the event of a power failure. Thanks to the integrated power supply module, no separate power supply is required, simplifying installation and reducing costs. These UPSs are ideal for industrial applications where both system stability and reliability are important.
J.Schneider AC-C-TEC - maintenance-free DC UPS solution
The J.Schneider AC-C-TEC is an industrial on-line DC UPS that provides stable DC voltage in case of short-term power outages. The compact unit integrates the power supply and the UPS in a single enclosure, using ultracapacitors that do not require maintenance or battery replacement. Thanks to on-line technology, the output voltage remains stable, providing reliability in industrial applications.
J.Schneider AC-C-TEC - maintenance-free DC UPS solution
The J.Schneider AC-C-TEC is an industrial on-line DC UPS that provides stable DC voltage in case of short-term power outages. The compact unit integrates the power supply and the UPS in a single enclosure, using ultracapacitors that do not require maintenance or battery replacement. Thanks to on-line technology, the output voltage remains stable, providing reliability in industrial applications.
J.Schneider AKKUTEC - Reliable DC UPS for long-term outages
The J.Schneider AKKUTEC is an industrial on-line DC UPS that provides stable DC voltage in case of prolonged power outages. The unit integrates the power supply and the battery charger in a single enclosure, but requires a battery module to maintain the output voltage in case of a power failure. The AKKUTEC product has the advantages of intelligent battery charging, which adapts to the battery temperature, and LED indicators and floating outputs for monitoring the device.
J.Schneider AKKUTEC - Reliable DC UPS for long-term outages
The J.Schneider AKKUTEC is an industrial on-line DC UPS that provides stable DC voltage in case of prolonged power outages. The unit integrates the power supply and the battery charger in a single enclosure, but requires a battery module to maintain the output voltage in case of a power failure. The AKKUTEC product has the advantages of intelligent battery charging, which adapts to the battery temperature, and LED indicators and floating outputs for monitoring the device.