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Meie tooteportfell

Meie eesmärk on pakkuda innovaatilisi lahendusi ja kaasaegseid tööstusautomaatika tooteid. Täiendame ja uuendame oma tooteportfelli pidevalt, et pakkuda uusimaid ja tõhusaimaid lahendusi.

  • Drives
  • Control
  • Robots
  • Vision
  • Data communication
  • Safety equipment
  • Sensors and encoders
  • Components

FnIO S remote I/O

Supports most common industrial data protocols and has a wide range of I/O modules.

FnIO S remote I/O - Supports most common industrial data protocols and has a wide range of I/O modules.



We have now fully migrated to the Crevis FnIO-G series as production of the FnIO-S has been discontinued. The new G-Series offers significantly higher reliability and a wider range of protocols, allowing systems to be more flexible and efficient. Thanks to faster data transfers and a wider range of I/O modules, the FnIO-G series meets the demands of today's industrial automation even better.